Sunday, January 7, 2024

Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 218

In the Month of X for December 2023, we not only see the end of another year, but also the conclusion of the first major story beat for the Fall of X. Also, we discuss which characters impacted (positive and negative) the most from the Krakoan Age of the X-Men. And just because we could not wait, we'll discuss Fall of the House of X #1 as a sneak peek for things to come in January. 

Month in X - December 2023 
The Original X-Men #1 
Invincible Iron Man #13 
Alpha Flight #5 
Wolverine #40 
X-Force #47 
Astonishing Iceman #5 
Uncanny Spider-Man #5 
Dark X-Men #5 
Uncanny Avengers #5 
X-Men Red #18 
X-Men #29 
Immortal X-Men #18 

January Sneak Peek: The Fall of the House of X #1

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Direct Download: X-Nation Episode 218