Sunday, February 2, 2025

Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 232

Okay, it’s starting to get ridiculous now. We’ve got way too many comics to cover for the Month in X for January 2025. Also, this episode we ask, "How do you solve a problem like... Havok?" 

Month in X - January 2025 
What If…? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1 
What If…? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1 
Wolverine: Revenge #4 
West Coast Avengers #3 
 Avengers #22 (LGY #788) 
Astonishing X-Men #7 - 8 
Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #2 
Rogue: The Savage Land #1 
Magik #1 
Deadpool/Wolverine #1 
Cable: Love & Chrome #1 
Hellverine #2 
Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2 (LGY #70) 
Psylocke #3 
Sentinels #4 
Mystique #4 
Storm #4 (LGY #15) 
Storm: Lifedream #1 
Wolverine #5 (LGY #396) 
Phoenix #7 
NYX #7 
X-Factor #6 (LGY #298) 
 X-Force #7 (LGY #297) 
Exceptional X-Men #5 
Uncanny X-Men #8 (LGY #708) 
Uncanny X-Men #9 (LGY #709) 
X-Men #10 (LGY #310)

Subscribe to the show: RSS FeediTunes,  Stitcher, and Spotify 
Direct Download: X-Nation Episode 232

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 231

Things get a bit "stabby" in the Month in X for December 2024. Plus, we get excited about Marvel Rivals and then ask ourselves "How Do You Solve a Problem Like... Laura Kinney?" 

Month in X - December 2024 
West Coast Avengers #2 
 Avengers #21 (LGY #787) 
Astonishing X-Men #1 - 6 
Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1 
Hellverine #1 
Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 (LGY #69) 
Psylocke #2 
Sentinels #3 
Mystique #3 
Dazzler #4 
Storm #3 (LGY #14) 
Wolverine #4 (LGY #395) 
Phoenix #6 
NYX #6 
X-Factor #5 (LGY #297) 
X-Force #6 (LGY #296) 
Exceptional X-Men #4 
X-Men #8 (LGY #308) 
Uncanny X-Men #7 (LGY #707) 
X-Men #9 (LGY #309) 
Timeslide #1

Subscribe to the show: RSS FeediTunes,  Stitcher, and Spotify 
Direct Download: X-Nation Episode 231